Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday run

Found a great video on of the UT Tyler trails where we run. It's filmed on a mountain bike, but it gives a great preview of the trail nonetheless. I love this trail. Turns out its about 5 miles long in total, but it's not marked very well so I have no idea how far we actually run on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Monday's run (week 7 of the Cool Running Couch to 5k program) was a hard won success. The training schedule called for 25 minutes of "jogging" or 2.5 miles (we opted for 25 minutes). We typically run at about 11:00min/mile, so factoring in an extra minutes per mile due to the trails and temperature, I'm going to guess that we ran just over 2 miles.

Good news: Breathing was good and steady. We kept up an "ok" pace, although it flagged a bit around the 3/4 mark. I mentally dominated this run, although I had some initial doubts about my breathing.

Bad news: Last week, I noticed some pain in my right plantar fascia while running. It subsided by the next morning, but I was pretty spooked. This run definitely aggravated it again, although less acutely. I know plantar fascitis is a very common (and very frustrating) running injury. I've never experienced it before (I just need to try them all apparently). I'm going to try to preempt any long-term injury by incorporating some foot strengthening exercises and tendon stretches into my work day.

Wednesday's run is another 25 minutes. I'm taking the day off, so we won't be near the trails. This might be a great opportunity to run at Rose Rudman park.

1 comment:

  1. If you're experiencing symptoms of plantar fasciitis (an inflammation of the tendon on the bottom of your foot which commonly manifests as heel pain), here are some great stretches/exercises:

    Seated stretch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMosf1HBWg8
    Plantar stretch: http://bcove.me/mphecr11
    Arch Raisers: http://bcove.me/wone7z8h
