Monday, June 25, 2012

East Texas Striders' Half-Marathon Clinic

This past Saturday, I met with the local runner's club for an awesome half-marathon training clinic in the parking lot of Racquet and Jog. I am now a member of the East Texas Striders! More on that later...


By the time we got rolling at 7:30 a.m., it was about 80F (it was approaching 90F by the time we started running). We had a nice little canopy set up which helped a bit.

The first speaker was Dr. Cathy Fieisler (M.D.), a sports medicine physician and local ultra-marathoner. In addition to running her practice and serving as a senior writer for Running Times magazine, she's helped out with some major athletic events including (most recently) the Olympic trials in Houston. Dr. Fieisler had a great attitude and lots of helpful advice about injury prevention. It was really neat to hear from someone who had personal experience as a runner.

The biggest take away for me (aside from the usual advice about building your base and increasing your mileage very gradually) was her emphasis on single-leg strengthening exercises. She made the argument that when we run we never have both legs on the ground... so why do so many of us stick to exercises that work both legs (like squats)? She showed us some great stretches and talked about ways to incorporate single leg workouts in our daily routine.

The next guest speaker was Dr. David Flynn (D.C.), a local chiropractor and athlete who serves as a medical adviser for various marathons and triathlons across Texas. He shared some great advice  on the topic of running nutrition.

Some of the things I remember off the top of my head: sodium/potassium deficiencies are usually the cause of cramps during a workout, while calcium/magnesium deficiencies tend to be the root of cramps when you're at rest. Runners are more prone to upper respiratory infections because the act of running, especially over long distances, suppresses our lung's immune response so that we can breath better (and you can work around this problem by consuming foods rich in zinc, vitamins A, C, D, and selenium). Finally, for the best glutamine absorption, try mixing the supplement in some orange juice for an immediate post-run drink.

The last speaker was another runner (the assistant manager at Racquet and Jog) who stepped in as the resident shoe expert. He gave us a basic guide to the shoes sold at Racquet and Jog, along with a succinct discussion of what makes a good running shoe and how to pick the best shoe for your foot/goal. He talked about some of the dangers of minimalist shoes, what kind of lifetime you can expect from your shoes, and how he makes decisions about his own. We got a coupon for 10% off our next shoe purchase at R&J, which is pretty cool because (frankly) they're too expensive to be my first choice.

(Read about our post-clinic run)

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