On Saturday, Matt and I finished up week 6 of the Cool Running Couch to 5k plan. This called for 22 minutes with no walk breaks. We covered just over 2 miles in this time, which put us at an average pace of about 10:54. This is nothing glamorous, but I could do a lot worse (and have).
The run itself was not my favorite. Temperature has a huge effect on me, and it was over 80 degrees when we stepped out. I learned not to underestimate the hills of the Azalea District (a historic neighborhood near central Tyler). I started getting a bit grumpy around 12 minutes (for all the good that did me), but managed to push myself mentally to the finish. I was disappointed by how difficult it was, but proud of myself for finishing nonetheless.
I've mentioned it a few times in a few places, but I just want to reiterate - for my own sake - that this is the first time I've run 2 miles with no breaks in months and months, since I last injured my hip. The fact that I completed this run with no aches, pains, or twinges is a sign that I'm on the right track, however frustrated I may feel with the slow progress.
I'm definitely at the "breaking point" right now, where I start comparing myself to other people and pushing against the confines of my training plan. Usually, this results in me getting injured. It's a baffling juncture because I'm simultaneously torn between feelings of inadequacy (comparing myself to others, setting artificial number goals that have no basis in reality) and feelings of impatience (I'm doing so well, I should try running FIVE miles in a row!).
I've had a lot of individuals invite me to run with them (awesomely). I'm reluctant to take up any of these offers because I am SO SLOW. The other downside is that I'm not sure how it will fit into my training plan. All trepidation aside, I am going to try to venture out in another month or so. One group I would love to all in with is East Texas Striders. They have a somewhat regular speed workout on Wednesdays at the REL track.
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